ST. LOUIS ROAD TRIP: 8th Entry and my encounter with Columbus in Syracuse, New York


Monuments to Christopher Columbus and Little White Lies

The last day of our road trip included a stop in the Onondaga homeland, Syracuse, New York. For my 1992 road trip, my first stop was Columbus, Ohio, where I planned on photographing the new Christoper Columbus monument but the weather was not cooperative and the monument was not that interesting.

While planning this road trip I thought it would be a good idea to photograph a Columbus monument and bring my 1992 trip full circle. Another layer to this story is a portrait I made of Bear in 1990, and looking back now, it inspired me to undertake a road trip during the Columbus 500th anniversary activities in 1992.

With some internet research, while planning my current trip, I discovered that Syracuse has a Christopher Columbus monument and I decided to make it the last stop on this road trip.

It was interesting to sit in Columbus Circle (N43 02.802 W76 08.954) and recount how much I had seen over the last 13 days, while waiting for the clouds to part and add some direct sunlight on the monument. The disembodied Indian heads beneath Columbus said . . .


This post is part of a series on my long awaited road trip to St. Louis, Missouri to study the
Pre-Contact Mississippian earth mounds and ancient Indigenous cultures. 

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